Tuesday, October 6, 2015

5 Sites to Know More About Games and Apps

Sometimes I need a quick online reference for a game. Maybe a rating, a review or just some plain vanilla information about it. There are a lot of people out there who enjoy reviewing apps and sharing it with folks like us who need the reviews. Thanks everybody for the great work!

Here's a list of 5 of my favorites:

1. Commonsense Media
This is a good place to find a review for a book, an app or even a movie. They rate using stars, and along with it also rate the educational value, ease of use, consumerism and violence. Their tagline actually explains best  - we rate, educate, and advocate for kids, families, and schools

2. Best Kids Apps
Primarily an app review site useful for parents who are not into gaming, they cover iPhone, iPad and Android apps. Reviews are bunched by age appropriateness, apart from being educational, bestsellers or Free. The App developer is also mentioned.

3. The iPhone Mom
You can find app review even if they are not on an iPhone. Along with a review there is usually some contribution from her kids. What I like best is a link to the app developer's site a link to the iTunes store. Typically reviews are grouped by age and screenshots are included.

4. Cool Mom Tech
Two moms dish out common sense about technology. They don't just cover apps, but a whole bunch of other things related to technology(That's fun to read to and a lot of it is very useful)

5. Gamer Dad
The tagline 'Gaming with my kids since 2003' perhaps says all that I need. He writes extensively about video games, violence in gaming and the effect of it on children.

Well, I gather information from these sites. Where do you gather your gaming information from?