Wednesday, August 3, 2016

3 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe

One of the primary responsibilities for parents is to ensure that a child has a safe and secure environment to grow up in. In caveman times parents perhaps had to keep the kids from being eaten up or being squashed under the feet of migrating animals. Yes, my imagination is on the wild side today, but it is a fact. What parents have to keep their kids safe from today is very different. We live in an urban area and our kids spend a lot of time indoors. The little time they spend outside, is under the care of teachers, babysitters or perhaps an older sibling or a family member.

Whatever the fears, its the onus of the parents to prepare their kids to be safe. We need to help our kids understand what to look out for and how to keep safe. Here are three things kids must be cautioned about:

1. Playing with Electricity and Appliances
Our homes run on electricity. Shut down electricity and everything comes to a standstill. Almost. In spite of baby-proofing homes when the kids are young, we forget that tweens can get into trouble too. We do not caution our kids enough. Many a time, kids might try things without adult supervision, which might be very unsafe. There have been many mishaps with kids trying to use the food processor, just to give an example. So it's better to teach kids to handle these things safely rather than stop them from doing so, only to have them go ahead and experiment without knowing how to.

2. Being safe online
Kids might take an eggciting break from virtual pet games, but they do love spending time online. School work sometimes requires kids spending time on the Internet. Other than installing software to protect children or using Commonsense Media to decide suitability of shows and games, it's good for parents to talk to their children about the very real problems of spending time online and sharing information with strangers. It's also a good time to explain to them that long hours on the Net might not be the best thing for them(this is harder than it sounds!).

3. Being watchful when outside 
From a young age a child must know where to find a parent and the parents must be there as promised. If it's a park and your child is playing with other young children in the sandpit, it's okay to walk around the play area from where you can keep an eye on your child. At the same time it's very important to tell the child how she can find you, by walking in the opposite direction, so you can run into her. When and if she comes, you must be exactly there so that there is complete trust built into the relationship from childhood. As kids grow, ask them to be careful about walking home after dark or running across streets carelessly even in the suburbs.

Habits built in childhood last a lifetime. Let's help build them into the lives of our kids. It will serve them well as they grow and take decision on their own. They may crib and complain, but then humor can and should be used effectively to counter them. Sometimes i just say - I'm the parent and hence the Boss! You should try it.